Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Weekend of 2013 and New Year, New Me?

Happy New Year's Eve!

The last weekend of 2013 was a fun one for me!

Friday I had a dance party in my living room....by myself.  I figure what better company haha

No seriously, wine and line dancing in the living room.  You know you want to come over next time.

Saturday was spent doing laundry and cleaning then I went out with Nicole.  I tried to take a selfie..

I don't know about you but selfies are awkward.  I can't be serious, always have my mouth open (twss) and there is a trash can. It's not even my trash can #classy

Anyway we went to the electric cowboy.  I'm too old for clubs but we had a good time with our many, many shots of tequila.  We might have taken selfies in the bathroom....


After going to bed at 4am we were up before 8.  My age starts to show at these moments when I feel like I may die for days after.  Good thing we are going out tonight for New Year's.  She's trying to kill me off I think!

Sunday was spent with my poor sick niece.
You know she's sick when she lays down, that shit doesn't happen EVER. She is usually tearing apart the house and I am chasing after her making sure she doesn't burn down the house. If only I was kidding...

We watched the Broncos kick some Raider ass and PFM break some more records.  It was so awesome that I made homemade pizza with some team spirit

Then I watched my Eagles beat the cowgirls.  It was a great football day.

So starting today:

Haha you know it's true.  Someone at work today asked what my resolution was going to be and I said to be worse next year than I was this year;)

Obviously I was kidding and yes I do have some goals but if I don't do them I don't. Fock it

I stole this from Marcy at The Mustache Diaries because I can't come up with shit on my own...yeah I said it

A bad habit I'm going to break:

Biting my nails (As I am biting them)  Sometimes it gets so bad I bleed, ouch

A new skill I'd like to learn:

Decorating my house.  I love to make things to decorate my house but that doesn't mean they go together or even look good

A person I hope to be more like:

My grandpa that just died.  He NEVER took life seriously, didn't put up with shit but still managed to make everyone he came in contact with feel special. 
A good deed I'm going to do:
This may sound like I'm an asshole and maybe I am but right now I am raising my 2 year old niece.  I love her to death and treat her like my own but I would love to be able to help my sister get on her feet completely so she can take my niece back.  Sometimes I feel like I have run out of energy for good deeds lol 

Besides that maybe some random acts of kindness could be nice, maybe just Starbucks

A place I'd like to visit:

New Jersey!  Ang and I and some fireball! Let's do this!!

A book I'd like to read:

I read so many already so I will just say I will read more next year.

A letter I'm going to write:

A letter to my son as much as I need to would be good. 

A new food I'd like to try:

Sushi. Ok so I have tried a couple but raw food isn't appealing to me.  That might not happen but I'm trying to keep an open mind to all things....except eating dogs or cats....that's not happening lol kidding

I'm going to do better at:

Listening to Marcus.  Don't get me wrong I listen to him but the kid loves to talk...too much.  I think he really just loves to hear himself talk.  I have decided though that cutting him off and asking him for moments of silence is probably not the best idea.  I want him to be able to talk to me about all things.  So that's probably my biggest goal for 2014.

Oh and that working out thing I used to enjoy!

What about you?? Goals? Resolutions??

Hope everyone has a wonderful night! If you don't hear from me in a couple days it's because I died of being too old for this shit syndrome!

1 comment:

  1. I heart you. I think about how much fun the two of us would have visiting each other. Ridiculous amounts. I laid on my couch Saturday all day thinking "I'm too old for this shit" too. It takes me like 3 days to recover now from alcohol binges. Have a good NYE!!
