Monday, January 12, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Resolutions 12 days late? Oh well they have to happen sometime.  They aren't really resolutions but more like some goals for the year, in a list because that's how I roll.

* Step away from my phone...I'm talking about trivia crack or candy crush mostly.  That ish is addicting

*I have 8 weeks to be beach ready.  I'm mostly just trying to eat well until then.  After Christmas binging I have not even craved bad foods, this must be a dream.  I have been eating great and feel great (except this stupid sinus infection).  We decided to just go to Mexico. There's a lovely virus from a mosquito going around the Caribbean that can last 6 months, I don't even want to chance that.  My poor Grandma has it in Puerto Rico:(

Also I bought a goal bikini...eeek.

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*Spend more time with Marcus.  Kick him off the video games to pretend he loves me is what I mean.  I get so comfortable with him in his room and me in the living room but he's almost 12 and growing so fast.  he won't care much about his mom soon so I want to soak up as much as I can!

*Read 50 books.  I read 54 last year and it's possible I might read more but probably not so 50 was reasonable.

Speaking of books, have you read this yet? LOVE

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*Buy a new car.  Lately every time I turn around there is something wrong with my car.  If I'm going to fork out the money to fix it I might as well buy a new one.

*I have until the end of April to declutter my whole house...completely.  I have done 1/4 of it already.

That's about it.  What are your resolutions or goals for the year?