Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A little A-Z

Hello everyone!  I stole this from Ang! Here's a little A-Z about me...There is a little more about me over on Alicia's page too! She was the one that set up that awesome Get Fit For Summer giveaway I hope you all entered!

A - Age: 30

B - Birthday: September 1st
C - Chore you hate: vacuuming.....who knows why?
D - Drink: water, spark and rockstars.  Alcoholic-Wine or tequila are my poisons hehe
E - Eyes: Brown
F - Favorite color: Orange
G - Gent: Boyfriend (that's what we shall call him)
H - Hobby:  Couponing, reading, dancing, crafting, cooking, baking-I get bored easy
I - Indulgence:  Pizza...anything pizza, chocolate, cookies, peach rings
J - Job: I have 2-One working with crazy people and one cleaning houses
K - Kids: Marcus-11, McKennon-My Angel baby and currently my Niece Adiella-2
L - Love: kids laughter, sunsets, rain, wine, baseball, karaoke, family, friends
M - Music:  Almost anything.  I was lucky enough to be introduced to everything possible growing up and I'm so glad!  the only thing I can't stand is techno...uck

N - Nickname: Depends on who you ask.....Gina (from Martin), baby jesus, shareefa (don't ask), bananalisa, bitch, Analisa pizza (my dad)
O - One Wish: a cure for cancer-I will steal Ang's answer
P - Pet peeve: when people have happy redial fingers.  I mean seriously if you call and I don't answer don't keep calling....drives me insane lol
Q - Quote: The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything that comes along their way!
R - Residence: Colorado
S - Siblings: Callie-23 and Chenoa-also an angel baby
T - Time you wake up: I wish I slept in ever but with a 2 year old I'm up at 6 or earlier everyday.  I don't mind, gives me time to get lots done
U - University:  Nope
V - Vegetables you dislike: Brussel sprouts, cauliflower 
W - Worst Habit:  Biting my nails
X - X-rays: Broke my ribs in a car accident, and sprained my arm riding a horse
Y - Yuck: see vegetables, oh and cooked cabbage barf
Z - Zoo (favorite animal): dolphins (I know they aren't at the zoo) and penguins

1 comment:

  1. We don't sleep in either - but I wish we did - my Marcus seems to think 5AM is an appropriate wake up time.
