Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Things I love MORE than food

Yeah I said it.  It's hard to believe anyone can love anything more than food but when I started thinking about it there are MANY things.  I thought of this post while browsing Pinterest can you believe it?!  All I think sometimes is that my life revolves around food.  I'm either eating it, cooking it, looking for new recipes or dreaming about it.  Sad but true.  Anyone relate?  So today I'm naming some things or people I love more than food and maybe should be thinking about more....but considering my post yesterday I thought this was appropriate.

*Marcus-Of course I will always love him more than anything in this world

*My niece-She lights up everyone's lives and has this personality that keeps us all laughing

*My boyfriend-There isn't enough time to talk about how wonderful he is to me

*My family and friends of course.

Those are all the boring, everyone knows those answers

*The crisp fall air

*Putting on my pajamas and slippers-nothing like being comfortable

*Saving money grocery shopping-it's like an adrenaline rush sometimes when you realize you just saved 50% on your grocery trip (I know this kinda has to do with food but it doesn't all at the same time)

*Music!  This is probably my number 2.  I couldn't live in a world without music.

*TV- (Don't judge).  Who else is excited for all the new premieres?

*Pumpkin or Apple candles-anything fall really

*The beach....

*My number 1 will always be Sunsets

*Lists-writing them, crossing things off and throwing them away when they are complete. Anybody else?

*The smell of firewood, gas or any kind of lumber (yeah I'm weird)

*Books-of course...always.  Anybody reading anything I need to read right now?

What things do you love more than food?

1 comment:

  1. Next summer, come to NJ and I will show you a kick ass sunset from my shore house. :) I know how you feel about sunsets!
