Monday, October 6, 2014


I was looking back at some pictures from 2008 and 2009 and remembered that's when I started my actual fitness journey.  Then it stopped till about 2012.  When I was in high school I worked out 2-3 times a day.  What?! I know I was crazy, 2 gym classes and then sometimes the rec center after.  All of this while working two jobs and going to school.  I was probably crazy.  Then I think back to what motivated me all 3 times and it's all different.

High school -it was the fact that I HAD to take those gym classes to get through high school.  But once I was used to it I wanted more.  Kind of like an addiction but a good one.

2008-2009-I was just tired of not fitting in my clothes and my chubby face.  I would post a picture here but there really aren't any to show.  The problem was I didn't understand the whole abs are made in the kitchen or that cardio was not the way to go ALL the time.  I worked out like crazy but still ate like crap and drank like a fish.  I never could understand why I didn't lose weight or get in shape.  That's one of those "If I knew now...."

2012 I was going through the worst break up I've ever had and needed an outlet.  That's also how I discovered all the great blogs I read daily (or almost daily) and Instagram.  By this time I was a researcher and after all that learning I realized I needed to eat better and lift weights.  Who would have guessed I would have fallen in love with lifting weights?  In the summer of 2013 I was in the best shape of my life.  The funny thing is I really didn't eat wonderful then, workout much and even drank a whole lot.  The difference was I didn't constantly stress about it, I ate healthy probably 70 percent of the time and the other 30 I did what I wanted.  I worked out 3 times a week and I was happy.

I want to get back to that.  I want to find my balance.  I want to be able to indulge sometimes without binging.  I know it's all in my head but I'm ready.  I am having sinus surgery on the 15th so I won't be able to do much working out after that for awhile but I'm going to make it a point to eat paleo/clean 70 percent of the time.  This is going to be rough considering the holidays are coming but I will just make all the meals and make sure there are healthy choices.  But it starts today. In the past I have always needed a challenge or some kind of 14 day something to get started but this time I want to find a lifestyle not just a temporary thing.  

Here are some things I'm going to try to make an all the time thing:

*More Veggies.  I have a hard time with this.  I need to incorporate them in every meal

*Less sugar.  It's my weakness but I find if I don't eat it I won't crave it so the goal is to find sweet paleo options

*Try to get 10,000 steps a day.  I'm loving having a fitbit, it motivates me and reminds me I should be drinking more water and moving more.

*Meal Prep every.single.week.  This is hard but I've done it a million times before and I will do it again.  It keeps me from snacking and plus I love real food much more than junk.

*Small workouts 3 times a week or more if there is time.

Anyone else have trouble finding a balance with food?? I'm sure the whole world does!


  1. Food is often my biggest nemesis. Is it starchy, carb-y, and oh-so-bad for you? Then sign me up. It's a constant struggle to each the foods that I know are good for me, not the ones that simply taste good. Food. Ugh.

  2. Me me me - yes. I have trouble finding the balance with food. I just rejoined Weight Watchers AGAIN. Hopefully it'll force me to eat more fruits and veggies since most of them have no points!
