Friday, July 11, 2014

Sugar Detox

I'm sure you all have seen The Four Fit Sisters on Instagram.  Marta does a 14 day sugar detox.  I decided to try it.  With my fibromyalgia sugar causes me to have flare ups and I am a serious sugar addict. When I say addict I mean that I binge sugar.  I can't just have one piece of chocolate....I will have 10. I thought it would be nice to be detoxed and slowly add things in to see what hurt me and what was ok.  

The first 5 days was seriously rough.  I had the worst headache and was sick.  It's funny that sugar is just like a drug.  I was literaly having withdrawals from it.  After those 5 days though I have never felt better.

We couldn't have anything, no really.  Meat, veggies, berries only, almond butter, eggs, nuts, almond milk, coconut milk, coconut sugar, cocoa powder.  It was boring as hell but also felt good.  You have to get creative with it.  Marta gave us a lot of meal options.  I ate a ton of avocado and I don't even like avocado but I grew to like it because what else was I going to eat?

I learned so much about food and how terrible almost everything is for you, even beans.  I also learned that sugar is in EVERYTHING.  EVERYTHING even meat, added in.  I also learned how bad wheat is for you and turkey bacon...WHAT?! I thought that shit was supposed to be good for you.  Nope.  Did you know all fruits except berries actually make you crave sugar? Now you do.  My mind has been blown.

I lost 7 pounds on the detox.  I didn't work out one time either.  I reached a weight that I haven't been since middle school.  It was crazy.

Then it was over and I thought oh a little sugar here and there wasn't going to hurt.  Wrong!  I binged for 3 days.  I'm mad at myself and decided I may need a permanent sugar detox.  How sad but unless I constantly want to be in pain it's a must!

Anyone else have a sugar addiction?

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