Monday, December 16, 2013

Weekends aren't long enough...

Or maybe they are too long? I know it's weird to say that but sometimes my weekends are so busy I look forward to going to work to get a break!

My grandpa is on his death bed, literally.  I wasn't expecting him to make it through the weekend but he's still here today.  By here I mean breathing but that's about it:(  He no longer recognizes anyone or opens his eyes.  It's such a painful thing to watch happen.  The only thing that makes me feel better is that he has lived 87 years.  He has been through war, marriage, kids, divorce, grandkids, another marriage, a career, great grandkids and retirement.  I have been lucky enough to be extremely close to him my whole life and so when he finally does let go I can be content to know that I got to experience a wonderful, hilarious man!

Luckily I got to have a little fun in between spending as much time with him as possible.

Friday- After spending time with my family I went bowling with some friends.  It was fun except my arthritic hands don't like it so much today!  I am a terrible bowler highest score was 67. Yep it's that bad haha

We stayed up till 5 in the morning.  I am really feeling my age these days!  My mind says I can act 21 but my body says FU!

I was going to add a funny e-card here but blogger isn't liking me today!

Saturday- Marcus had a basketball game so I drove 45 miles home for that.  They won!  Then we drove back.  I spent some more time with my grandpa then went to an all girls Christmas party!  We had lots of wine and played sour apples to apples.  I really want to buy the dirty one. Anybody played that one?

Sunday-Went home and made dessert for a late Thanksgiving I was doing with a friend.  I made a Reese's cheesecake and The Pioneer Women's Apple Dumplings.  Those apple dumplings were amazing, they had one really weird ingredient though....mountain dew.  It totally made the dessert though!  Here is the recipe if anyone feels like they need to eat some. I wish I took pictures this weekend.  I think I forgot how to blog lol

She made lasagna and it was the third italian meal I had this weekend and I'm not complaining except these love handles that grew back..oops!

Then I watched 3 Hallmark movies. I needed my fix I guess!

So on that note, back to some goals for the week!


*Workout at least 3 times this week.  I think everyday is too much to ask for!
*Quit eating crap (if only it were that easy)

Non Fitness:

*Finish all my Christmas presents and wrap them
*Make cookies
*Pack all my soon to be ex husbands crap and organize my house

Short but sweet. I put too much pressure on myself sometimes, time to slow down!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!!

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