Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving and Weekly Goals

How was your Thanksgiving?? Mine was more like Black Thanksgiving. Yes we had dinner and yes I shopped ALOT!  3 different stores to be exact.  What a better way to spend with my family?? Yeah I know it's horrible but hey I am cheap and love me some good deals!

Walmart was nuts and I ended up watching and listening to several fights...I mean really those beats by Dre headphones are not worth broken bones.  Yes there were broken bones and people getting kicked out.  I felt like I was watching animal planet and all these people were fighting for food!

Except it starts the same day now.
I got some really great deals, ended up saving over 400 dollars and got a new laptop! These new laptops are confusing though, they have apps. Yes apps!  If I want to do something on here I have to download an app.  I guess I could have just upgraded my phone and it would have been pretty close but hey I can type without misspelling every other word because I fat fingered it at least right?!

It feels good to be back to blogging.  I don't even actually care if people read it.  It helps me remember my life, my goals and keeps me accountable when I decide to do crazy things like fitness challenges.

This weeks goals:


*Work out every day this week, even if it' s only 10 minutes
*Put down the hot Cheetos-I may have eaten a bag yesterday( a big one)
*No sugar.  I know this is hard but it's what I struggle with most.

My goal is to be the healthiest and most fit I have ever been by the summer time.  Then I can actually rock a bikini!


*Deep clean!  The stomach flu is going around and I don't want that shit.  I was up till 5 with Marcus while he was puking his poor little guts out!
*Make more jam!
*Sell some jam!  I made some yummy flavors last week, cranberry champagne, strawberry margarita, carrot cake and vanilla pear.
*Read a whole book...I've been slacking on this one

Happy Monday!! Hope everyone gets some good Cyber Monday Deals!!

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