Wednesday, November 5, 2014

October Wallet Watch-Follow Up

I'm not sure why the button won't work for me but it won't.....

1. Stick to my budget.  I always know I have wiggle room and I take advantage of that way too much.  I have recently been hit with a ton of medical bills and if I don't stick to my budget I will never get them paid.  I have a ton of birthdays, Halloween, I'm throwing a wedding reception, etc... but I am sticking to it.  I was good with this, there were a couple times I had to pay for things I hadn't planned but that's life sometimes. Savings-Not quite sure


2. NO MORE STARBUCKS.  My name is Analisa and I'm a Starbucks addict.  I spend ridiculous amounts on chai tea.  I need to start making my own (it just doesn't taste the same) I did it!!!!  It's November 5th and I still haven't bought any! Savings-$60


3. No more gas station stops.  We stop at gas stations when we clean sometimes and grab energy drinks, candy and snacks.  The problem is you don't realize how much that adds up. Not one time! Savings-$25

4. Make meal plans and stick to them.  I have been working my ass off lately and have hardly had time to grocery shop, let alone cut coupons or look at ads.  Last night I was at the grocery store at 8pm without a list, hungry and tired and spent 25 more than I normally do.  I know that doesn't seem like a lot but to my budget it is. I did this probably 80 percent of the time. Savings-$75

Pretty good I have to say!  

1 comment:

  1. I think you did great! Things always come up but you really managed this month well. Especially cutting out Starbucks and the gas grabs.
