Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Update and 5 for Five

Hello everyone! Hope your weekend was great!

Today we will start with 5 for Five or Failure is what I would call it this week!

Last Week:
1.I have a 5 day weekend every other week and am usually bored out of my mind so I need to start getting crafty. I was before Christmas but then got a little worn out.  Speaking of crafty...You need to check out Tanya from twelveOeight.  She is seriously my crafting idol!! -FAIL-I didn't do anything crafty this week and was even stuck at home most of the week. Several people have been telling me I need to sell the scarfs I made everyone for Christmas, maybe I should get on that before it gets warm!
2. Stay off of Instagram, Pinterest and Blogger for 24 12 hours....24 is asking a lot.  I think I can I think I can.  My floors might be super clean and I might be on my hands and knees with a toothbrush to keep me busy but hey whatever works.-Another FAIL-I might have stayed off for four hours while I was sleeping...have to start somewhere right??!  I can't help being bored all the time!

3.  Back to clean eating. I am going to try my hardest!! I did one!! lol I started my cleanse and did a lot of food prep this week!

4.  Blog a new recipe every week and my meal prepping I do every Tuesday.  I feel like I need to share it with the world.  Healthy eating is easy when you plan ahead. Ok I did two!! Pumpkin Oatmeal and Gluten Free Turkey Sweet Potato Meatballs yum yum!! Good thing I can't eat them for 9 more days haha

5. Keep on keepin on with the C25k. -FAIL--Well kind of.  I made it to the gym once to run on the treadmill but did my own thing.  I can't follow the C25k anymore...BORING! 

On to this week:

1. Replace the baseboards in Marcus' bathroom....they are gross and look really bad.  I am going to be a badass handy man one of these days!!

2. Get to Lowes, Habitat for Humanity and the fabric store for some craft stuff. Baby steps right?? If I buy the stuff at least I will have it in the house and maybe get it done...maybe. Now if only the snow would stop so I can get to those stores grrrr

3. Keep going with my cleanse.  Day 2 and I'm feeling good!  Keep those hot cheetos and pizza away from me!!! Only 9 1/2 days to go.....

4. Think of some blog ideas.  The link ups are fun but I should probably come up with some better things!

5. Read two books.  Here I go again...I can do it, I hope!

Now on to the weekend!

Friday I finally made it to work, thank goodness!  Being trapped at home is torture.  I know people pray for snow days but I don't. 

That night my friend and I decided to have our own Valentine's dinner with our kids and my niece.  5 kids and they all spent the night ahhhhh!  I was one cranky mama the next day because they all kept me up ALL night long!  We still had a good time though.  

My niece fell in love with one of her sons and wouldn't quit kissing him lol A hussie at 16 months...god help her mom haha
She cracks me up!

The good thing about having her all weekend is that she NEVER stops but I didn't have to workout because she kept me busy!
Saturday was my grandma's birthday and we went out to eat.  My Grandma was so cute in a mini sombrero.  Too bad I failed as a blogger and didn't get any pictures geez!
That night Marcus and I rushed to the store to get some food for my cleanse before it snowed.  It was empty!  People clean out the stores when you know in Colorado that shits going to melt the next day!
Out east the weather is usually worse so we wanted to get home before the blizzard.  It didn't even start till 5am out here.
I would say we got about a foot and guess what?  Snow day again for me and Marcus BOO!  
People think I'm crazy that I actually want to go to work....maybe I am lol 
Hope everyone has a great Monday!

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